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Spread everything from fertilizer to seed and more with one of QuadMasters extensive line of spreaders. Choose tow or push models to get the job done. Durable poly hopper, coated components and long-lasting plastic closure plates resist corrosion. Positive over-center flow adjustment ensures accurate calibration.

Broadcast spreaders cut down on the number of passes necessary to fully cover your lawn due to their wide distribution pattern. Because of their random distribution pattern, over-fertilizing and under-fertilizing are reduced.

Drop spreaders are best for seeding a yard due to the consistent metering and distribution pattern of the seed. They are also good for applying granular herbicides near flower beds and shrubs since the distribution is limited to the area between the wheels – this prevents overthrow onto ornamental beds.



  • 80kg Capacity.
  • Poly-hopper is rust-proof.
  • 110cm controlled spread width 14" x 4" pneumatic tires for smooth transport.
  • Spreader settings for multiple materials included.
  • 80kg capacity provides approx 3700 square metres coverage.
  • Overall width is 130cm.
  • 19mm diameter axle.

QM0288 - ATV Poly "PRO" Drop Spreader

SKU: QM0288
Excluding Sales Tax
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